Saturday, June 26, 2010

Poem-A-Day: Day 226

The Heat is On
the oppressive heat is maddening
and I spend my days walking it
breathing it into my cerebellum
it burns holes deep
holes that I can’t comprehend
the holes allow the cold
the bitter cold of my brain
to escape into the night air
when the air turns to night
I see the cold escape
in small lonely clouds
they escape like ghostly vapors
running silently from my ears
I can’t hear them
I can’t hear anything
when the heat strangles me
digs its claws deep into my throat
so I collapse into myself
like a black hole deep into my brain
and I think about what happened
what my brain used to think
in those holes that were once real
and it reminds me of the heat
and how it can be oppressive at times

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