Monday, June 14, 2010

Poem-A-Day: Day 214

Johnny Mnemonic
I denote thee,
Roynart Glengary Bivouac,
except for when the sea
shows its horrid FACE:
wrecks die delight
and sail, or free flight,
but wrecks die are mourning,
and sail, or fate warming
when founding the day,
as in dates or today.
Every great Bivouac warrants
some form that makes memories,
so please enthuse might,
and get ants allied,
and think of their HOMES!
I denote thee,
Roynart Glengary Bivouac.
Your subservience to King Phillip
culls over flying great soars,
and mind values earning more
than justice salutations
under never thinking about palpitations,
not ever again.
So haute,
Roynart Glengary Bivouac,
callous haute
to allegations
searching for the angles.
I, Jonathan, denote thee.

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