Monday, May 17, 2010

Poem-A-Day: Day 186

The Buzzing Sounds
The sound,
like buzzing…the sound
buzzing loud in only one ear,
the sound buzzing, humming
what sounds like hymns;
buzzing static sounds
mixed with some level of hypocrisy
understated by the buzzing sound.
The sound,
buzzing loud in only one ear,
while the other ear gets a break
from the sound, buzzing, humming away.
The buzzing sound,
absent from the other ear,
and only in the one,
while the other ear hears the world
ticking away; a clock with many gears,
many cogs motioning to one another,
grinding metal machine humming.
The sound,
buzzing different hymns;
shock and awe, humanity,
adorning the head
in a way befitting genius.

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