Sunday, April 4, 2010

Poem-A-Day: Day 143

Some brain-dead genius
tried marketing a phrase to the world,
and it sunk in;
some god forsaken meteor
debasing the human race,
crippling all the joggers' legs
like so many felled trees.

But if a trillion trees fall at the same time,
does the sound sound differently
to anyone bothering to listen?

Because it’s not so much a phrase,
but some twisted mathematical equation
equating the most vapid sequence of numerals
since it was discovered that pi
could not be eaten,
nor ever fully realized.

143, at rest seems simplistic,
‘til someone decided to shit it up
with some bizarrely worded meaning.

"I love you,"
naively stated
in arbitrary numeric terms,
washed of what little meaning it has
and traded in for middle school charm.

I have a better phrase
as equally numeric,
and with a richer double meaning.

It’s no less complicated,
yet infinitely more intriguing,
and with far more uses
than a simple 143.

248 simply means:
go fuck yourself
twice as much as the last.

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