Saturday, September 25, 2010

Poem-A-Day: Day 317

Jealousy, As Far As I Can Tell
Damn demanding man,
damn the man that dings off
the random damning scoffs
and demeaning damning awful falling things.
The faulty awful things damning men,
dings off, causing man to doff,
all while scoffing at the random damning things.
Damn the scoffing random doffs,
hats full and awful on fat men
falling off the faulty awful random walls.
The walls are awful dams,
damming men doffing and scoffing,
demeaning things jerking off and damning things.
Faulty dams dinging ringers off the hook,
scoffing at the jerking men,
and damning the demeaning things,
demanding men be things they’re not.
Damn the damn demeaning demanding man,
the random man that random scoffs
and damns the things that haven’t gone off,
haven’t become random walls,
random walks in the park with doffing men.
Damn demanding things,
damn the damn dam, damming damns
and causing awful faulty dams
to fall for awful walls,
and scoff at walking men
doffing and scoffing,
demeaning jerking off.
Men scoff at jerking off,
and awful fat men demanding faulty walls
can park or walk damn jerking dingers off the hook.
It’s jealousy, as far as I can tell.

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