Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Poem-A-Day: Day 243

Internet Rapture
At some juncture
where self-proclaimed, great men fall to their knees
and women are the goddesses of nothing more
than piles of shoes,
and the children are slaughtered in record numbers
while quietly seated,
there is the calm of reality.
At some intersection
I stand in the middle of two roads converging
in the woods,
and I don’t question the path not taken,
the paths seem to come to the same point,
and I’ve neither been, nor will,
so I watch the cars pass by on either side,
in front, and behind.
At some moment,
when the world stops spinning
because God is too drunk to pull,
I’ll look up, and see the eyes of Satan,
and it will all make sense,
the whole damn plot written by fools,
and believed by even bigger ones,
a place I’d never bother stepping foot.
At some juncture,
where people look for forgiveness,
I’ll be there laughing at the believers
and the doubters, the fanatics and fools,
and anyone else that I happen to see.
I’ll be standing in the middle of the road,
the most dangerous place to be,
tempting the world to crumble.

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