Monday, February 1, 2010

Poem-A-Day: Day 81

Bland, I’m Bland
Double oh nothing but trouble
for one plus live and let lost.
Give and get up, so I got to get it
before twice tomorrow’s another disaster
in the making majesty in secret
saucy living triple daylights.
Golden guns, fingers, eyes,
and four score and doctor not
going to happen again and again.
But it does, like five fingers slapping
in a fist-like way, leaving moons raking
across the sky like diamonds lasting forever.
Sweet deep sixing and thunder balling eyes,
weeping never say never, not ever,
not again…

So I double oh seven eleven,
get the big gulp,
and shoot that fucker down
in my, I sexy way.

1 comment:

Drop a line, a quip, a snippet, your pants, or an anecdote...just don't drop the soap.