Saturday, December 12, 2009

Poem-A-Day: Day 30

A Horse Is A Horse
Why the long face
teenage abeaution,
or something like that.
It’s a far cry from beauty queen,
and somewhere not as horrible as an abortion.
There’s no crown,
but a toilet bowl scepter
and a model to match the look.

It’s hard to tell if it’s horse envy,
or the other way around.
Either way I say neigh,
under my whinnies of disapproval
and triple crown champion stock.
It’s lamentable,
only in regards to my arrogance,
and complete lack of sympathy for the devil.


  1. That poor girl. Little does she know that she is the inspiration for a poem of the negative persuasion.

  2. Today we colored a picture of her face blue, and she looked like a character from the Avatar movie.


Drop a line, a quip, a snippet, your pants, or an anecdote...just don't drop the soap.